@ uberalex
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The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Before we start some very simple basics about language as data. Normally when we think about language data, it's a corpus of documents. Each document has paragraphs, which are groups of sentences. The sentences themselves are made up of words, the punctuation between the words.
A plot of the rank versus frequency for the first 10 million words in 30 Wikipedias (dumps from October 2015) in a log-log scale.
We can only learn the meaning of words from their asssociation with other words.
Firth, J.R. (1957). A synopsis of linguistic theory 1930-1955. In
Studies in Linguistic Analysis, pp. 1-32. Oxford: Philological
Society. Reprinted in F.R. Palmer (ed.), Selected Papers of J.R.
Firth 1952-1959, London: Longman (1968).
Harris, Z. (1954). Distributional structure. Word, 10(23): 146-162.
A Word Embedding is a parameterised function that maps words from a vocabulary to lower-dimension vectors of real weights
Image Source: https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/0.6.0/tutorials/word2vec/index.html
Maximise P(Vout|Vin) by learning the softmax probability via gradient descent.
Use it to expand queries, find synonyms, disambiguate terms, group items
Learn Monolingual Word Embeddings from lots of text
Use a small bilingual dictionary to learn the linear projection
Project unknown word from source embedding to target
Mikolov et. al, Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation
Need lots of pre-processed text, so pre-trained models can be a good place to start.
Gensim (Python), GloVe,WEM (R)
Making Sense of Word2Vec,Levy & Goldberg 'Linguistic Regularities in Sparse and Explicit Word Representations.'
A lot of people use the google newsgroups data.
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